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Read Captain Berz's White Paper: Understanding The Dangers of Concealed Carrying

One AR-15 To Rule Them All!
When we think about having only one AR-15, your mind might freak out. It might say "Yo bro, why limit yourself, you live in Merica!". But...

Modern Firestarter Kit (Survival, Camping, Backpacking, SHTF)
In todays world there are many options for making firestarting kits. I believe every backpack, disaster kit, etc. should contain a...

The $35 NBC Suit for SHTF! (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical & Epidemic Events)
Having something on hand, like an NBC suit, in case of SHTF, nuclear, biological, pandemic/epidemic or chemical events is something...

Long Term Water Storage: Water Preservers Are Bullshit!
So you hear all over the internet to use some sort of water preserver when storing water long term. Say you have some five gallon water...

Concealed Carry/SHTF Fitness!
Let's face it, if your not in shape it hinders you. If you conceal carry, are looking to get your conceal carry permit or even "SHTF",...

The Get-Home Bag (Not a Bug-Out Bag!)
So you made it to work and then shit went sideways with the world! What to do, what to do. All your survival gear is back at your house!...
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