Marlin .45-70 Trapper Lever Rifle (Best Alaskan Bear Gun?)
Is Marlin .45-70 Trapper Lever Rifle the best bear defense for Alaska and wilderness in general? I would argue, yes, the Marlin .45-70 Trapper Lever Rifle is possibly the best bear defense gun. Granted, you ain't long ranging with this Marlin .45-70 Trapper Lever Rifle, but inside 75 yards, this Marlin .45-70 Trapper Lever Rifle is devastating. Shooting on par with a 12 gauge in terms of recoil, the Marlin .45-70 Trapper Lever Rifle is easy to use, well made by Ruger for the last few years and packs a punch! Stay tuned for more Marlin .45-70 Trapper Lever Rifle action. Some say 45-70, while other say .45-70. But the proper way to say it is .45-70 and not 45-70!
Ammunition I use in my Marlin .45-70 Trapper Lever Rifle:
Swift 350gr A-Frame
Underwood 430gr Hard Cast
Barnes 400gr Pioneer