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Read Captain Berz's White Paper: Understanding The Dangers of Concealed Carrying

Be the Best You: Learn to Love Failure!
One of the most astonishing things in life is finding constants. Failure is a constant in everyone’s life. Every single person has...

Be the Best You: Master Finding People’s Strengths
In your dealings with people I am sure you have found that some are good and “X” and some are good at “Y”. Putting together a cohesive...

Be the Best You: Time is Everything!
I have heard in the past people complain about people who are late or even a no show to meetings or appointments. I even recently saw...

Be the Best You: Don't Give Into Fear!
The one thing many people suffer from is fear. It could be just fear of snakes or mice. That could keep your from checking out the...

Be The Best You: Set Expectations or Get Rolled!
One of the biggest pitfalls, no offense to one of my favorite Atari games, is not explaining the whole picture. Not explaining properly...

Be the Best You: Listening, an Overlooked Skill!
One of the easiest things in the word is talking and forming thoughts. All too often do we focus on our thoughts. We have become a world...
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